"Lonely Garbage Slug"

I recently read an article titled, “How to Work From Home and Not Feel Like a Lonely Garbage Slug” by Rachel Miller, Vice News. Boy oh boy, did that statement capture exactly how I am starting to feel…can you agree? And not to make matters worse but it’s only been about one week. The article had some valid reminders about keeping self care at the center of our “work from home epidemic”. For example, Rachel was pretty spot on when she said, “By day’s end, you’re a shell of your former self: Your hair is greasy, your sweatshirt is covered in bits of the stale tortilla chips you grazed on all day for “lunch,” and your back hurts because you’ve been hunched over your laptop in bed without moving.” I mean…okay, okay, I’ll take it…there is some truth in the statement. Luckily, I still have to go outside to walk my dog but disinfecting all the door handles I touch (when I leave and then again, when I return) is getting a little old. I shall prevail! It’s worth it.


There may be some conflicting information out there but if we continue to err on the side of extreme caution, seeking science, fresh facts, and leaning in on experts (maybe not just Politicians), I think we might be surprised at what a difference we can make, together. “Overreacting” and being overly cautious may be the smartest thing we can do right now.

As of today, Social Distancing is key and one of the few factors we can control. If months from now, it feels like we possibly overreacted than we definitely did something right!

It’s a little bewildering to feel such discord about being home so much but here we are. Keep at it! We can do it. Together.

Be well.

Visit the CDC website

Read Circa Properties COVID-19 Statement

Read Rachel’s Vice News article