
Is there such a thing? Well, sure. I read this term recently in an article and it changed my perspective a bit on this idea and this conversation.

No one knows another person’s motivation for doing (or not doing) anything - unless you ask - and asking someone why they haven’t bought a place of their own can be, well, not cool…really. One can assume that most people know there are benefits to owning rather than renting. So, there must be a good reason that they choose to rent.

If you’re really perplexed at the idea of someone wanting to rent, here’s a super simplistic handful of reasons why renting might work for someone & some reasons to consider buying a place (if you or someone you know is debating):

Rent VS. Buy

Even if you mean well, asking someone “why would you rent?” or “why would you throw your money away?” can feel a bit harsh backing someone into a corner feeling obligated to explain things they don’t want to…or maybe THEY JUST LIKE THE FREEDOM OF RENTING, which will make it easier for them to up and move when they want to get away from you and make new friends! 😆

I love working with first-time homebuyers. The process can seem overwhelming but it’s surprisingly not and one of the only good things about 2020 is that mortgage rates are really low. Reach out if you want to ask questions or start a simple plan to get yourself there when the time is right!