Trending; Thoughts on home Decor 2024.

Ever look back at your previous homes and thought, what was I thinking, in regards to your decorating choices? If you answer no, then good for you! Some of us here, tend to get swept up in the ever changing design trends, wall colors, and itch to update, update, update.

My first apartment had liquor bottles spread out on the top of the cabinets like decor. I’ll blame my roommate. My second apartment, I decided to paint one dining room wall a shockingly bright orange, the kind of orange that would make a pumpkin proud and others nauseous, only to have to paint it back when I moved out. Since then, I’ve moved another handful of times and each place “needed” paint, or had a bathroom to update, basement to finish, kitchen to gut…you get the idea. It can be exhausting.

As I sit here today at home, I am looking at the walls that I just painted last year on a 12 foot ladder and for multiple days, I was whining and near-crying. Point is, I have an urge to scrap it all and start over again. Green! I need more green, dark and moody green walls. If I do it then I will likley need a new rug, maybe a different light fixture, and probably new throw pillows…and throw pillows can start at $55 a piece….for the cover! I also think about wallpapering….a lot.

Hold up. Settle down.

The point is, trends will always change and since we spend a colossal amount of time online, particulary on social media, we are flooded with new ideas daily, the “best of” everyone else’s stuff, making you feel out of date, wanting things to look picture perfect. Fresh. New, new, new. Cool, cool, cool.

It can be fun if you enjoy doing it for yourself as a creative outlet or expression, but you don’t need to fill your space with other people’s ideas or trends. Your space doesn’t need to be anything other than a place to feel at home, at peace, filled with things that bring YOU comfort & joy. I am mentioning this because I am currently fighting the urge to make unecessary changes to my home.

If this isn’t you and you rarely, if ever, think about this, I love it. Good for you.

If this reasonates with you, I’ll just say this, there are rooms in your home, right now, that are probably just as beautiful as some of the spaces that you see online, you’ve just gotten used to them.

With that said, if you are going to consider refreshing your space, be thoughtful about it. Mindful about the reasons, the choices, and the expense. There are updates and decor that can stand the test of time. Ask a Realtor *wink wink* for valuable suggestions or a friend whose style you admire for ideas. Consider sticking to a nuetral wall color and flaring it up with pops of color on the less expensive items that you can afford to change more often. Make your own art. And get some more plants, that’s never a bad idea.

Just take your time and know your why.